The News and blogs weekly newsletter   06/02/2024

In the 06/02/2024 edition:


News: Amazon city and future COP-host Belém holds its first training on climate and disaster resilience with UNDRR and ICLEI

By United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction – Regional Office for the Americas and the Caribbean on Feb 05, 2024 04:34 pm
Amazon city and future COP-host Belém holds a virtual training on risk management, climate resilience and disaster preparedness with UNDRR and ICLEI. 


News: The jump in global temperatures in September 2023 is very difficult to explain by natural climate variability alone

By Finnish Meteorological Institute on Feb 05, 2024 04:16 pm
September broke the global mean temperature record by a staggering 0.5°C difference from the previous record. A new study calls for further analysis of the impact of volcanoes and anthropogenic climate forcing on the new record. 


News: Increasing climate resilience and water security in Savaii

By Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme on Feb 05, 2024 04:13 pm
The European Union(EU) Intra-ACP GCCA Plus Pacific Adaptation to Climate Change and Resilience Building (PACRES) Project works to address a range of issues across the Pacific by scaling up pilot projects to tackle climate change through adaptive measures. 


News: El Niño and climate crisis raise drought fears in Madagascar

By United Nations - Headquarters on Feb 05, 2024 04:07 pm
In Madagascar, an island nation prone to extreme weather events, the UN is working with the authorities to help the African country’s population cope. 


News: Examining the role of anticipatory action in complex crises

By Anticipation Hub on Feb 05, 2024 03:36 pm
Our recently published study explores how an anticipatory action intervention was perceived and experienced among Ethiopians living with drought, alongside other crises including conflict and inflation. 


News: The weather of hell: Experience of Italian Red Cross during 2023 heat waves

By Global Disaster Preparedness Center on Feb 05, 2024 11:08 am
This case study explores the preparedness and response efforts by the Italian Red Cross (Croce Rossa Italiana) during the 2023 heatwaves. It showcases effective strategies and draws insights from learnings to improve preparedness for future heatwaves. 


News: What should children in Japan do if a quake hits when no adults are with them?

By Mainichi Newspapers Co., Ltd., the - Mainichi Daily news, the on Feb 05, 2024 10:46 am
To find out what children must do if a tremor hits when parents, teachers or other adults are not around, Mainichi Shimbun interviewed Satoko Oki, a seismologist and associate professor at Keio University's Faculty of Environment and Information Studies. 


News: Heat and wildfire smoke are even more harmful when combined, a study says

By New York Times, the on Feb 05, 2024 10:24 am
In California, days that experienced both extreme heat and wildfire smoke at the same time have seen disproportionate numbers of hospitalizations for heart and lung ailments, a new study found. 


News: Inequality persists after an earthquake’s impact

By Temblor on Feb 05, 2024 10:07 am
A new study highlights how predominantly minority neighborhoods in Los Angeles — and especially those with Black populations — will be most affected in the aftermath of a large earthquake. 


News: Increasing cost of living, natural disasters and rising insurance costs. It’s time for disaster mitigation action.

By NSW Volunteer Fire Figthers Association (VFFA) on Feb 02, 2024 01:54 pm
There are huge opportunities in relation to reducing disaster costs and associated insurance costs. John O’Donnell presents ideas about easing cost-of-living pressures without stoking inflation and reducing disasters, disaster costs and insurance. 


News: Water recycling could be key to cooling Sydney’s west

By Macquarie University on Feb 02, 2024 12:51 pm
A new research project is poised to deliver the formula to safely recycle water into gardens and parklands at scale, addressing both urban heat and sustainability challenges in western Sydney. 


News: Enabling a conflict-sensitive approach to disaster recovery and resilience in the southern Philippines

By World Bank, the on Feb 02, 2024 12:50 pm
Drawing on emerging best practices, a team provided in-depth training to regional and municipal officials in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao on how to design conflict-sensitive disaster recovery frameworks. 


News: To help Chinese communities adapt to climate change, listen to them

By China Dialogue on Feb 02, 2024 12:48 pm
A survey in southern China’s Pearl River Delta, a region prone to flooding and storm surges, provides insights into climate adaptation strategies 


News: ‘Water comes from all four sides’: how Rotterdam’s tidal park protects the city

By Guardian, the (UK) on Feb 02, 2024 11:52 am
Once a grim industrial harbour, the Keilehaven estuary acts as a natural flood barrier and wildlife sanctuary. 


News: Global food production at risk as rising temperatures threaten farmers’ physical ability to work

By Loughborough University on Feb 02, 2024 11:40 am
The future of global food production is under threat as temperature rises will impact farmers’ physical capacity to work, a new study has revealed. 


News: Many municipal fire departments aren’t prepared for climate change

By Yale Climate Connections on Feb 02, 2024 11:22 am
Firefighters accustomed to fighting fires in buildings may need training in battling wildfires as the conflagrations grow more common and extreme. 


News: Enabling risk-based asset management of infrastructure in St. Lucia

By Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery, the (GFDRR) on Feb 02, 2024 11:08 am
Building upon the progress of the Disaster Vulnerability Reduction Project, a team provided St. Lucia's government with training and technical assistance on the design and implementation of its first-ever risk-based infrastructure asset management system. 


News: Environmental management in humanitarian responses

By InterAction on Feb 02, 2024 10:34 am
While humanitarian responses focus mostly on the emergency phase—like addressing lifesaving and immediate needs—addressing the impacts and risks of climate change is increasing in urgency. 


News: The silent protectors: How trees may safeguard against disasters

By United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction on Feb 02, 2024 10:30 am
Trees are inspiring in many other ways – including their capacity to provide resilience to a number of natural hazards. 


News: Refugees are missing from National Adaptation Plans: Why this matters, and what to do about It

By Center for Global Development on Feb 01, 2024 09:15 pm
Refugees are both highly exposed and highly vulnerable to climate shocks. Despite this, over 15 million refugees and other persons in need of international protection are in countries whose NAPs do not account for their adaptation needs. 


News: Using artificial intelligence, better pollution predictions are in the air

By Johns Hopkins University on Feb 01, 2024 04:14 pm
To better understand where smoke pollutants will travel and when, researchers at APL and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) are leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) to simulate atmospheric models. 


News: Extreme cold will still occur in Northern Europe, although less often – risking decreasing preparedness and higher vulnerability

By World Weather Attribution on Feb 01, 2024 03:38 pm
Under the influence of a lingering anticyclone, Fennoscandia experienced extremely cold winter temperatures during early January 2024. 


News: Climate change increased heavy precipitation associated with impactful Storm Bettina over Black Sea

By World Weather Attribution on Feb 01, 2024 03:37 pm
In late November, countries bordering the Black Sea including Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova, Ukraine, Türkiye and Russia, witnessed exceptionally high rainfall and snowfall, and hurricane-force winds due to Storm Bettina. 


News: Bridging communities: Enhancing connectivity and resilience in Uttarakhand's hills

By World Bank, the on Feb 01, 2024 03:36 pm
The Uttarakhand Disaster Recovery Project, with World Bank support, has built 81 bridges to provide increased resilience and better livelihoods for the rural population. 


News: Death toll shows extreme air pollution events are a growing urban threat

By Curtin University on Feb 01, 2024 03:35 pm
New Curtin University-led research has estimated that 1454 avoidable deaths occurred in Australian capital cities in the past 20 years because of fine particle air pollution from extreme events such as bushfires and dust storms. 


News: Prescribed burning could be making Aussie forests more flammable

By Australian National University on Feb 01, 2024 10:54 am
Disturbing natural forests with activities such as logging and prescribed burning can make them more flammable, landmark research from The Australian National University (ANU) and Curtin University has found. 


News: Ghana demonstrating a strong commitment for enhancing infrastructure resilience

By United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction on Feb 01, 2024 06:46 am
UNDRR in collaboration with the Ministry of Works and Housing convened a workshop with stakeholders from over 24 ministries, institutions and agencies in Ghana to discuss the need for a multisector approach to infrastructure resilience. 


News: Informing resilience-building in Colombia’s health system through a risk exposure and vulnerability-based assessment

By Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery, the (GFDRR) on Jan 31, 2024 07:12 pm
The Colombian government has worked on legislative instruments to increase resilience of their health sector. With support from GFDRR, a technical team has been supporting Colombia in using innovative analytics to inform its resilience-building efforts. 


News: What is an atmospheric river? A hydrologist explains the good and bad of these flood-prone storms and how they’re changing

By Conversation Media Group, the on Jan 31, 2024 09:47 am
While atmospheric rivers are dreaded for the damage they can cause, they are also essential to the Pacific Northwest and particularly California's water supply, as Qian Cao, a hydrologist at the University of California, San Diego, explains. 


News: Announcement: New guidance for financing disaster risk reduction

By United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction on Jan 30, 2024 04:20 pm
The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) and the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) published the Integrated National Financing Frameworks (INFFs) for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Guidance Note. 


News: The tallest building in the US is planned for the middle of Tornado Alley. Will the high-rise withstand the region’s extreme weather?

By Northeastern University on Jan 30, 2024 02:30 pm
The tallest building in the US is planned for the middle of Tornado Alley. Will the high-rise withstand the region’s extreme weather? 


News: Kosovan farmers rise above the floods

By Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - Headquarters on Jan 30, 2024 02:29 pm
When disaster hits, vouchers bridge the gap between agricultural livelihood ruin and renewal. 


News: Self-powered movable seawall for tsunami protection and emergency power generation

By Tokyo Institute of Technology on Jan 30, 2024 02:26 pm
A movable seawall system, capable of generating sufficient electricity to raise gates and protect ports against tsunamis, has been proposed by researchers from Tokyo Tech. The system was found feasible in areas prone to Nankai Trough earthquake tsunamis. 


News: Q&A: How ‘slow slip’ earthquakes may be driven by deep hydraulic fracturing

By University of Washington on Jan 30, 2024 02:21 pm
A pair of papers published Jan. 29 provides new confirmation of speculations that fluids deep underground create fractures in the rock, and that this creates rumblings that match the tiny tremors observed at the surface. 


News: AJEM call for papers: Gender diversity and inclusion

By Australian Journal of Emergency Management (AIDR) on Jan 30, 2024 01:54 pm
The Australian Journal of Emergency Management (AJEM) is seeking article submissions for its 2024 themed edition on Gender Diversity and Inclusion. This special edition is part of a broader collaboration with Gender and Disaster Australia. 


News: Red Sea, Black Sea and Panama Canal: UNCTAD raises alarm on global trade disruptions

By United Nations Conference on Trade and Development on Jan 30, 2024 01:37 pm
The organization warns that escalating attacks on ships in the Red Sea are adding strain to shipping routes already hit by conflict and climate change. 


News: Digital training tackles future threats in Tuvalu

By United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) on Jan 30, 2024 11:14 am
The Tuvalu Coastal Adaptation Project (TCAP) continues to roll out training for the use of a coastal hazard modeling tool, to detect and mitigate coastal risks. This software will support efforts to mitigate threats like sea-level rise in the long-term. 


News: How dangerous is Mexico’s Popocatépetl? It depends on who you ask

By Eos - AGU on Jan 30, 2024 10:48 am
The stratovolcano in central Mexico presents a rich case study of risk perception, science communication, and preparedness surrounding natural hazards. 


DRR Community Voices: Decibel V. Faustino-Eslava: “How I got into DRR is a true life story”

By Anonymous on Jan 30, 2024 10:34 am
Today, in her academic role at the School of Environmental Science and Management at the University of the Philippines Los Baños, Decibel works at the intersection of scientific research and the application of risk knowledge to decision-making.



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