Newsletter of the Unesco Land Subsidence International Initiative

Dear all,

Herewith  I send you Newsletter 22 of LaSII. Please pay attention to the first page: an important announcement of Hamid Nazari.

I am also grateful for the contributions of Roberta Boni, who sent me a number of suggested publications.

Kind regards,


Newsletter of the Unesco Land Subsidence International Initiative

Vol. 22, January 2022
Iran, opening ceremony UNESCO Chair on Coastal Geo-Hazard Analysis

I am pleased to inform you that the Research Institute for Earth Sciences (RIES) succeeded in hosting a UNESCO Chair on Coastal Geo-Hazard Analysis. An honour which bestowed on valuable international supportive recommendations after two years of evaluation process at UNESCO. A subject that undoubtedly requires important and hard work on an international scale.
Therefore, we would like to invite you to join us in the opening ceremony, which will be an opportunity to exchange point of views.
Opening Ceremony will be held virtually as well as physically at Wednesday of February 23 2022 at the deck of Persian Gulf Research Wessel at 13h00 (in Iran Time because +5.5 to -3.5 hours of time tolerance between Japan and UK with respect to Tehran respectively) by attending all the members of the Scientific Council from Japan, China, Russia, Armenia, Germany, Switzerland, France, UK and Iran.
It is expected that officials from UNESCO Paris and the National Commission for UNESCO in Iran, as well as university presidents, government officials and Iranian parliamentarians will be among the guests at the event.
The possibility of your presence for me and my colleagues in the UNESCO chair will be very promising and valuable.
Would be appreciated to confirm receipt of the message and your presence.
New Literature
Lee, K. et al., Enhancing Informed Decisions for Coastal Groundwater Sustainability: A Network Analysis of Water-Related Indicator Results from 122 Cities.
Water 2022, 14, 262. https://doi.org/10.3390/w14020262


Cyprus, Limassol
Fotiou, K.; Kakoullis, D.; Pekri, M.; Melillos, G.; Brcic, R.; Eineder, M.; Hadjimitsis, D.G.; Danezis, C. Space-based Deformation Monitoring of Coastal Urban Areas: The Case of Limassol’s Coastal Front. Preprints 2022, 2022010417 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202201.0417.v1).

India, Delhi
Garg, S., Motagh, M., Indu, J. et al. Tracking hidden crisis in India’s capital from space: implications of
unsustainable groundwater use. Sci Rep 12, 651 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-04193-

Indonesia, Pekalongan
Zainuri M, Helmi M, Novita M G A, Pancasakti Kusumaningrum H, Koch M. An Improve Performance of Geospatial Model to Access the Tidal Flood Impact on Land Use by Evaluating Sea Level Rise and Land Subsidence Parameters. Journal of Ecological Engineering. 2022;23(2):1-11. doi:10.12911/22998993/144785. http://www.jeeng.net/An-Improve-Performance-of-Geospatial- Model-to-Access-the-Tidal-Flood-Impact-on-Land,144785,0,2.html

Indonesia, Semarang
Lo, W.; Purnomo, S.N.; Dewanto, B.G.; Sarah, D.; Sumiyanto. Integration of Numerical Models and InSAR Techniques to Assess Land Subsidence Due to Excessive Groundwater Abstraction in the Coastal and Lowland Regions of Semarang City. Water 2022, 14, 201. https://doi.org/10.3390/w14020201


Safdari, Z.; Nahavandchi, H.; Joodaki, G. Estimation of Groundwater Depletion in Iran’s Catchments
Using Well Data. Water 2022, 14, 131. https://doi.org/10.3390/w14010131


Sekkeravani, M.A., Bazrafshan, O., Pourghasemi, H.R. et al. Spatial modeling of land subsidence using machine learning models and statistical methods. Environ Sci Pollut Res (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-021-18037-6
Iran, Tehran-Plain
Zeinab Azarakhsh, Mohsen Azadbakht, Aliakbar Matkan,
Estimation, modeling, and prediction of land subsidence using Sentinel-1 time series in Tehran- Shahriar plain: A machine learning-based investigation,
Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 2022, 100691, ISSN 2352-9385, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rsase.2021.100691.

Iran, Yazd Plain
Amin, P., Ghalibaf, M. A., & Hosseini, M. (2022). Modeling for temporal land subsidence forecasting using field surveying with complementary drone imagery testing in Yazd Plain, Iran. Environmental monitoring and assessment, 194(1), 1-14.
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/357163923_Modeling_for_temporal_land_subsidence_fo recasting_using_field_surveying_with_complementary_drone_imagery_testing_in_Yazd_Plain_Iran

Mexico, Mexico City
Fernández-Torres, E.A., Cabral-Cano, E., Novelo-Casanova, D.A. et al. Risk assessment of land subsidence and associated faulting in Mexico City using InSAR. Nat Hazards (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11069-021-05171-0

And also:
Enrique Antonio Fernandez-Torres et al., Risk assessment of land subsidence and associated faulting in Mexico City using InSAR.
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/358210943_Risk_assessment_of_land_subsidence_and_ associated_faulting_in_Mexico_City_using_InSAR

PR China, Choshui River Basin
Huang, Y.-H.; Lai, Y.-J.; Wu, J.-H. A System Dynamics Approach to Modeling Groundwater Dynamics: Case Study of the Choshui River Basin. Sustainability 2022, 14, 1371. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14031371


PR China, Cultural Heritage
Yuqi Li et al.,
The potential impact of rising sea levels on China's coastal cultural heritage: a GIS risk assessment Published online by Cambridge University Press:  24 January 2022
PR China, Tianjin
Yu Liang et al., Estimation of land subsidence potential via distributed fiber optic sensing January 2022Engineering Geology DOI: 10.1016/j.enggeo.2022.106540
Project: Land subsidence monitoring using distributed fiber optics sesing (DFOS) techniques
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/358085251_Estimation_of_land_subsidence_potential_vi a_distributed_fiber_optic_sensing/figures?lo=1&utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic

Fiaz Hussain, Water table response to rainfall and groundwater simulation using physics-based numerical model: WASH123D, February 2022Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 39(6):100988 DOI: 10.1016/j.ejrh.2022.100988
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/357670236_Water_table_response_to_rainfall_and_gro undwater_simulation_using_physics-based_numerical_model_WASH123D

Dong-Sin Shih et al.,
Combined Numerical Simulation and Groundwater Depletion Sensitivity Analysis for Dynamic Pumping Management

USA, California
Jiancun Shi et al., Monitoring and analysing long-term vertical time-series deformation due to oil and gas extraction using multi-track SAR dataset: A study on lost hills oilfield,International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, Volume 107, 2022, 102679, ISSN 0303-2434,


USA, Houston
Shunyao Wang, Guo Zhang, Zhenwei Chen, Hao Cui, Yuzhi Zheng, Zixing Xu & Qihan Li (2022) Surface deformation extraction from small baseline subset synthetic aperture radar interferometry (SBAS- InSAR) using coherence-optimized baseline combinations, GIScience & Remote Sensing, 59:1, 295- 309, DOI: 10.1080/15481603.2022.2026639

USA, Texas
Haley, M.; Ahmed, M.; Gebremichael, E.; Murgulet, D.; Starek, M. Land Subsidence in the Texas Coastal Bend: Locations, Rates, Triggers, and Consequences. Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 192. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14010192

USA, Texas, Rookery Island
https://www.glo.texas.gov/coast/coastal-management/forms/files/design- guides/final_rookeryisland_designguide.pdf
USA, Virginia
Roethlisberger, N.D., Analysis of a Multi-Aquifer System in the Southern Coastal Plain of Virginia by Trial and Error Model Calibration to Observed Land Subsidence.

Dunn, F.E., Minderhoud, P.S.J. Sedimentation strategies provide effective but limited mitigation of relative sea-level rise in the Mekong delta. Commun Earth Environ 3, 2 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s43247-021-00331-3



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