The Community updates weekly newsletter introduces the latest community updates published by PreventionWeb on disaster risk reduction, including vacancies, community announcements, events and trainings. In the 11/17/2022 edition:

The Community updates weekly newsletter introduces the latest community updates published by PreventionWeb on disaster risk reduction, including vacancies, community announcements, events and trainings. Visit us on PreventionWeb to see our other newsletters and subscribe. More newsletters In the 11/17/2022 edition:


  Entangled crises: how can the EU help? By European Commission published on Nov 14, 2022 03:58 pm
The COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, the war in Ukraine, refugee crises, inflation... these crises and more have recently dominated headlines. They cross national borders and sectors, and are complex and long-term in nature.


  Urban Resilience to Climate Extremes By Asian Disaster Preparedness Center published on Nov 14, 2022 03:48 pm
This course will be in a face-to-face modality. It will be scheduled from December 11 to 15, 2023.


  51st Disaster Risk Management for Sustainable Development By Asian Disaster Preparedness Center published on Nov 14, 2022 03:44 pm
This course will be in a blended modality (online and face to face). The online phase is from November 13-17, 2023 and face to face one is from November 20-24, 2023.


  4th Gender Equality and Social Inclusion in Disaster Risk Reduction By Asian Disaster Preparedness Center published on Nov 14, 2022 03:39 pm
This course will be a face-to-face training. It will be scheduled from October 17-19, 2023.


  17th Integrated Flood Risk Management in the Changing Climate By Asian Disaster Preparedness Center published on Nov 14, 2022 03:37 pm
This course will be a face-to-face training. It will be scheduled from September 11 to 15, 2023.


  1st Financing for Disaster and Climate Resilience By Asian Disaster Preparedness Center published on Nov 14, 2022 03:35 pm
This course will be in a blended modality (Online and Face to Face). August 7-8, 2023 will be the online phase and August 9-11, 2023 will be the face to face phase.


  1st Localizing Disaster Risk Reduction for Anticipatory Action By Asian Disaster Preparedness Center published on Nov 14, 2022 03:31 pm
This course will be in a blended modality (Online and Face to Face). June 5-9, 2023 will be the online phase and June 12-16, 2023 will be the face to face phase.


  2nd Nature-based Solutions for Disaster and Climate Resilience By Asian Disaster Preparedness Center published on Nov 14, 2022 03:29 pm
This course will be in a blended modality (Online and Face to Face). February 27 - March10, 2023 will be the online phase and March 15-17, 2023 will be the face to face phase.


  7th Disaster Risk Communication in The New Normal By Asian Disaster Preparedness Center published on Nov 14, 2022 03:23 pm
This course will be the blended modality (Online and Face to Face). It will be scheduled below. February 27 - March10, 2023 will be the online phase and March 15-17, 2023 will be the face to face phase.


  From Risk to Resilience: Building a Local Climate of Success By United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - Office in Incheon for Northeast Asia and Global Education and Training Institute for Disaster Risk Reduction published on Nov 11, 2022 11:34 am
This webinar series is launched during the COP27. The Government of Egypt wants its COP27 to scale up global initiatives under 15 thematic areas, one of which is ‘Sustainable Cities’.


  Listening Session on Strengthening Gender-Transformative Climate and Disaster Resilience in Asia and the Pacific By United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women published on Nov 11, 2022 10:02 am
This listening session aims to support Women-Focused Organisations (WFOs) and Women’s Rights Organisations (WROs) to continue to advocate for gender-transformative climate and humanitarian action and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)





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