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In the 08/08/2023 edition:


The scorchingdivide: How extreme heat inflames gender inequalities in health and income

By Adrienne Arsht-Rockefeller Foundation Resilience Center on Aug 07, 2023 03:36 pm
Arsht-Rock’s new report examines the impact of climate-driven extreme heat on women’s unpaid domestic labor, paid employment, and health in India, Nigeria, and the United States—paving the way for gender-informed interventions, investments, and research. 


Heatwaves andhigh temperatures threatening young lives in South Asia: UNICEF

By United Nations - Headquarters on Aug 07, 2023 03:25 pm
Three-quarters of children in South Asia are already exposed to extreme high temperature compared to only one in three globally, the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) said on Monday, urging authorities to do more to help them beat the heat. 


China launchesnew meteorological satellite to provide more accurate forecasts amid climatechange

By Global Times, the on Aug 07, 2023 03:04 pm
The Fengyun-3 06 satellite lifted off on a Long March-4C carrier rocket from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in Northwest China at 11:47 am on Thursday, and will replace the Fengyun-3C satellite. 


“I decide my owndestiny”: Taking ownership for a resilient Sindh

By World Bank, the on Aug 07, 2023 03:01 pm
“I built my house [stronger and higher] to avoid future destruction,” explains Wazira confidently as she shows us how she has built the foundations of her new house strong enough for it to withstand potential consequences of disasters. 


How climatechange will affect your pet – and how to help them cope

By Conversation Media Group, the on Aug 07, 2023 02:54 pm
While humans have the capacity to understand and prepare for climate change, pets will need human's help to cope. 


Exceptional heatand rain, wildfires and floods mark summer of extremes

By World Meteorological Organization on Aug 07, 2023 01:25 pm
Dangerous weather - intense heat and devastating rainfall – has impacted large parts of the Northern hemisphere in this summer of extremes, causing major damage to the people’s health and the environment. 


MRC launches achannel to improve public awareness on flood and drought risks in the LowerMekong River Basin

By Mekong River Commission for Sustainable Development on Aug 07, 2023 01:10 pm
The Mekong River Commission (MRC) has launched a Channel on Mekong Flood and Drought Forecast, aimed at improving public awareness and understanding of Mekong River conditions in the Lower Mekong River Basin (LMB). 


6 months after adevastating earthquake, Turkey’s preparedness is still uncertain

By Associated Press on Aug 07, 2023 01:09 pm
In a bid to prevent damage from any future quake, both the national government and local administrations are racing against time to alleviate the pain of the February quake while also preparing their cities for potential disasters in the future.. 


As climatechange worsens, military eyes base of the future on Gulf Coast

By Washington Post, the on Aug 07, 2023 01:04 pm
After Tyndall Air Force Base was leveled by 2018′s Hurricane Michael, those overseeing its reconstruction hope it becomes the ‘test bed’ for bases to defend against the perils posed by a warming atmosphere. 


Farmers lamentmassive production loss as heatwave persists in Lebanon

By Xinhua News Agency on Aug 07, 2023 12:56 pm
The Ministry of Agriculture estimated losses of 40 percent and 20 percent in vegetable and fruit production, respectively, as a result of the heatwave sweeping the country, said Zidan Faour, head of the cooperative for improving agricultural production. 


China floodwaterdiversions to populated areas unleash wave of online anger

By Thomson Reuters on Aug 07, 2023 12:50 pm
Nearly 1 million people in China's northern Hebei province were relocated after record rains forced authorities to channel water from swollen rivers to some populated areas for storage, sparking anger online over the homes sacrificed to save Beijing. 


What can Beijinglearn from the worst flooding in 140 years?

By South China Morning Post on Aug 07, 2023 12:43 pm
Scientists say improvements are needed in weather monitoring systems to combat increased extreme weather events. 


Reimaginingdisaster risk reduction to cope with the new European summer

By Stockholm Environment Institute on Aug 03, 2023 02:07 pm
Yet another summer of unprecedented floods, fires and high temperatures is threatening Europe. We should not be surprised. But we should be better prepared. 


Flooding causedthe greatest economic damages in Asia in 2022, says WMO report

By Mongabay on Aug 03, 2023 02:05 pm
The Asian region experienced a total of 81 natural hazard events last year, according to the WMO’s Emergency Events Database, of which over 83% were flood and storm events. 


Worseningflooding and drought as rapid warming continues

By University of Reading on Aug 03, 2023 02:04 pm
The UK and the rest of the world will be vulnerable to larger swings between flooding and droughts as global temperatures rise, a new study has found. 


Clearcut loggingfound to lead to more frequent flooding, including extreme floods

By PhysOrg, Omicron Technology Ltd on Aug 03, 2023 01:33 pm
Loss of forest cover is associated with more frequent extreme flooding, as well as more frequent floods of any size, according to new UBC research. 


Heat-inducedsleep disorders comparable to health damage from heatstroke: Japan research

By Mainichi Newspapers Co., Ltd., the - Mainichi Daily news, the on Aug 03, 2023 01:29 pm
Health damage caused by heat-related sleep disorders in Japan's urban areas may be comparable to that of heatstroke, according to an analysis by researchers from the University of Tokyo and other institutions. 


Lightning-causedwildfires are 80 percent more likely under dry vegetation

By Eos - AGU on Aug 03, 2023 01:17 pm
Mimicking a randomized control trial of wildfires, scientists use satellites to uncover the key role of vegetation dryness in wildfire risk, aiding wildfire management and preparedness in California. 


Wildfireprevention: How Europe plans to handle blazes in the years ahead

By Euronews on Aug 03, 2023 01:10 pm
Scientists are predicting longer-burning wildfires in future decades. As Greece and Italy hit new records, does Europe need a new fire prevention strategy? 


Building aclimate-resilient future

By European Commission on Aug 02, 2023 01:41 pm
The European Commission has today adopted a new set of guidelines to assist Member States in updating and implementing comprehensive national adaptation strategies, plans and policies. 


Improvingwildfire predictions with Earth-scale climate models

By PhysOrg, Omicron Technology Ltd on Aug 02, 2023 01:30 pm
Wildfires have shaped the environment for millennia, but they are increasing in frequency, range and intensity in response to a hotter climate. 


Here are somemeasures to upscale Delhi’s flood resilience

By Down To Earth on Aug 02, 2023 10:14 am
Climate-resilient designs and infrastructure can enhance the city’s capacity to withstand extreme weather events 


Nature-basedsolutions can help tackle climate change and food security, but communitiesoutside Europe are missing out

By The University Of Surrey on Aug 02, 2023 10:10 am
Nature-based solutions (NBS) can help grand challenges, such as climate change and food security, but, as things stand, communities outside of Europe do not stand to benefit from these innovations. 


Climate changecontributes to violence against children – here’s how

By Conversation Media Group, the on Aug 02, 2023 09:55 am
Every day of the northern hemisphere’s summer in 2023 seems to bring a calamitous headline about the climate: heatwaves, wildfires, massive hailstorms. That, of course, includes children. 


As floodsworsen, US mobile home parks get help - and recognition

By Context on Aug 01, 2023 03:11 pm
As policymakers recognise trailer parks as vital low-cost housing, residents are receiving assistance to protect flood-prone homes. Mobile home parks across the US face higher flood risk. 


New study showshow to distinguish between slow and fast earthquakes

By PhysOrg, Omicron Technology Ltd on Aug 01, 2023 03:07 pm
Researchers from the University of Tokyo and Stanford University show what differentiates slow and fast earthquakes and how their magnitudes vary with time. 


Bangladesh isundertaking the world’s largest resettlement programme – and the climate ismaking it harder

By Conversation Media Group, the on Aug 01, 2023 03:05 pm
Bangladesh is particularly vulnerable to climate extremes. The nation’s topography lays its citizens bare to cyclones, flash floods, erosion and drought – not to mention the significant socio-economic impact these bring. 


Drones, reachingnew heights in Nepal’s fight against climate change

By World Bank, the on Aug 01, 2023 03:04 pm
In the hours and days following a devastating flood in June 2021, when a deluge of sediment and debris swallowed parts of the Melamchi River Valley in central Nepal, authorities scrambled to recover the dead and injured. 


Google alertfailed to warn people of Turkey earthquake

By British Broadcasting Corporation on Aug 01, 2023 03:02 pm
Google's earthquake warning system failed to get to many Turkish residents before February's deadly tremor, a BBC Newsnight investigation has found. 


New researchmethod determines health impacts of heat and air quality 

By University of Waterloo on Aug 01, 2023 03:00 pm
The planet experienced the hottest day on record earlier this month and climate projections estimate the intensity of heat waves and poor air quality will increase and continue to cause severe impacts. 


How to movecommunities away from flooding risks with minimal harm

By Stanford News Service on Aug 01, 2023 02:59 pm
As sea levels rise and flooding becomes more frequent, many countries are considering a controversial strategy: relocation of communities. A Stanford analysis of planned relocations around the world reveals a blueprint for positive outcomes.  


Greecewildfires: how climate change is involved, and what we can do about it

By Conversation Media Group, the on Aug 01, 2023 02:58 pm
Fanned by strong winds and record temperatures, wildfires on the Greek island of Rhodes recently spread from the hilly interior to the densely populated coastline with astonishing speed, leaving authorities with the daunting task of evacuating thousands. 


Food security:Nigeria to release drought-tolerant maize variety — NABDA

By Nigerian Tribune on Aug 01, 2023 09:44 am
Following the recent announcement by President Bola Tinubu declaring a state of emergency on food security, the Director General of NABDA has said that Nigeria is in the final year to release the new maize variety called TELA. 


Chief heatofficers want to help cities adapt to scorching heatwaves

By British Broadcasting Corporation on Aug 01, 2023 09:39 am
This weekend, more than half of people in the US will be under severe weather alerts as a heat wave battering the south expands into large parts of the central and eastern US. 


How does AI aidforecasting amid extreme weather events?

By China Global Television Network on Aug 01, 2023 09:35 am
Thirty seconds, and we'll have the prediction of global weather for the next 10 days. This achievement comes from "FengWu," a global weather forecast model based on artificial intelligence (AI) released in April this year. 


Warming world'brutalises' women as heatwaves deepen gender divide

By Context on Aug 01, 2023 09:31 am
Rising heat fuelled by climate change will hit women harder than men when it comes to their work, pay and health, report warns. Women face double burden from rising heat, study warns. 


Displaced fromhome and sheltered in an extreme environment

By Eos - AGU on Aug 01, 2023 09:26 am
Millions of people, displaced from their home countries, take refuge in areas that are highly vulnerable to extreme weather. 


Heatwaves,wildfires mark summer of extremes

By World Meteorological Organization on Aug 01, 2023 09:20 am
Intense heat is gripping large parts of the Northern hemisphere in this summer of extremes, causing major damage to the people’s health and the environment. China set a new national daily temperature record, and many records have been broken. 


Heat is costingthe U.S. economy billions in lost productivity

By New York Times, the on Aug 01, 2023 09:15 am

From meatpackers to home health aides, workers are struggling in sweltering temperatures and productivity is taking a hit.


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