PreventionWeb The News and blogs weekly newsletter

 PreventionWeb The News and blogs weekly newsletter

In the 08/01/2023 edition:


Plants builddunes but can speed erosion during severe storms

By Eos - AGU on Jul 31, 2023 04:27 pm
When waves hit vegetated dunes, waterlogged areas form in front of plants, making for sand that’s easier to wash away. But you still need plants to form dunes in the first place. 


Living withextreme floods in California

By California WaterBlog on Jul 31, 2023 04:21 pm
Floods and their consequences are a reality for many worldwide, including those living in California. This reality is evidenced by pictures of people stranded on roofs surrounded by water, people paddling in makeshift boats, and fields covered in water. 


New oceanobserving technologies to advance vital tsunami warning systems

By United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization - Headquarters on Jul 31, 2023 04:16 pm
More than 700 million people on our planet are exposed to tsunamis, but new technological advancements and international cooperation efforts will make future tsunami warnings more timely, accurate and accessible to all those at risk. 


Save theChildren calls for prioritization of emergency programs for children amiddangers of consecutive typhoons

By Save the Children - Philippines on Jul 28, 2023 03:13 pm
Save the Children Philippines urges the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), to prioritize the development and roll-out of the Comprehensive Emergency Program for Children (CEPC) 


Are we ready torespond to an earthquake, a tropical storm, an epidemic outbreak, and acyber-attack at once?

By World Bank, the on Jul 28, 2023 10:42 am
As odd as it may sound, an earthquake, a tropical storm, an epidemic outbreak, and a cyber-attack occurred in Panama in June 2023  as the scenario for an emergency drill. 


4 factorsdriving 2023’s extreme heat and climate disasters

By Conversation Media Group, the on Jul 28, 2023 10:37 am
Between the record-breaking global heat and extreme downpours, it’s hard to ignore that something unusual is going on with the weather in 2023. 


July 2023 is setto be the hottest month on record

By World Meteorological Organization on Jul 28, 2023 10:27 am
According to ERA5 data from the EU-funded Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), the first three weeks of July have been the warmest three-week period on record and the month is on track to be the hottest July and the hottest month on record. 


Extreme weatherevents are exactly the time to talk about climate change – here’s why

By Conversation Media Group, the on Jul 28, 2023 10:24 am
One area of interest to researchers is how extreme weather events might reduce the “psychological distance” associated with climate change. While climate change can feel abstract and vague, extreme weather is something people can experience firsthand. 


How austeritymade the UK more vulnerable to COVID

By Conversation Media Group, the on Jul 28, 2023 10:16 am
The concept of austerity featured prominently in the first round of hearings of the UK’s COVID inquiry, which has recently come to a close. 


Strengtheningthe financial resilience of pastoralists to drought in Mali

By World Bank, the on Jul 28, 2023 10:01 am
Heavy economic losses, growth volatility and a sharp increase in poverty are expected to follow in the wake of climate change-related shocks in Mali 


‘Man down!’:Surviving the Texas heat in prisons without air-conditioning

By New York Times, the on Jul 28, 2023 09:51 am
The superheated conditions inside many prisons — where temperatures can reach 110 degrees or above — have been a well-known problem for years, and not just in Texas. 


Meet thescientists planning for disasters

By Springer Nature on Jul 28, 2023 09:41 am
Five researchers share what they’ve learnt from studying how to reduce risks and better prepare for natural hazards. 


The inclusiveapproach to disaster resilience of Turkish business

By Connecting Business initiative on Jul 28, 2023 09:33 am
The Turkish Enterprise and Business Confederation, TÜRKONFED, representing 30 federations and 300 associations with more than 60,000 companies as members, has crisis management as part of its core strategy. 


Bringingphysical climate risk into institutional investing

By University of Waterloo on Jul 27, 2023 08:49 pm
New report identifies the top climate and extreme weather risks that affect a company’s performance. 


1 in 2 childrenin Europe and Central Asia are exposed to high heatwave frequency, double theglobal average

By United Nations Children's Fund (Global Headquarters, New York) on Jul 27, 2023 08:10 pm
To protect children – who are particularly vulnerable to the effects of heatwaves – UNICEF outlines six policy recommendations for governments across the region. 


Report revealsextreme heat’s toll on women’s health and income

By Adrienne Arsht-Rockefeller Foundation Resilience Center on Jul 27, 2023 04:18 pm
Assessing the burdens of heat on women in India, Nigeria, and the US enables and informs solutions 


Climate changeimpacts increase in Asia

By World Meteorological Organization on Jul 27, 2023 03:59 pm
Extreme weather and climate change impacts are increasing in Asia, which ricocheted between droughts and floods in 2022, ruining lives and destroying livelihoods. 


Data gaps inheatwave deaths widen as India battles record-smashing temperatures

By Down To Earth on Jul 27, 2023 03:32 pm
Human casualty is an important indicator of loss and damage due to heatwaves — a significant climate-related extreme weather event. 


The ground isdeforming, and buildings aren’t ready

By Northwestern University on Jul 27, 2023 03:26 pm
With Chicago as a living lab space, Northwestern study links underground climate change to variations beneath urban areas. 


Call for applications:Continental Rally 2024, a boost towards safer schools

By United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction – Regional Office for the Americas and the Caribbean on Jul 26, 2023 06:57 pm
This program aims to raise environmental awareness and enhance disaster preparedness and the ability to respond to emergency situations at all educational levels, driving the transition towards more sustainable and resilient models in the region. 


New data showsbenefit of sending cash ahead of climate disasters, says IRC

By International Rescue Committee on Jul 26, 2023 05:27 pm
IRC research highlights that cash-based anticipatory action can help recover from, and build resilience to, climate disasters in fragile settings affected by both conflict and climate change. 


How well-manageddams and smart forecasting can limit flooding as extreme storms become morecommon in a warming world

By Conversation Media Group, the on Jul 26, 2023 04:54 pm
As rising global temperatures make extreme storms more common, US's dams and reservoirs – crucial to keeping communities dry – are being tested. California and states along the Mississippi River have faced similar flood control challenges in 2023. 


How living witha disability alters thinking when planning for natural disasters in the Pacific

By ABC News on Jul 26, 2023 04:28 pm
What living with a disability means when it comes to making plans for natural disasters in the Pacific. 


Time to sharethe disaster risk reduction responsibility across all ministries: U.N. official

By Hindu Business Line, the - The Hindu Group of Publications on Jul 26, 2023 04:22 pm
The establishment of the Disaster Risk Reduction Working Group is a testament to the commitment of all G-20 countries to change from one of reaction to proactive response, says Mami Mizutori, SRSG. 


Tourists flockto the Mediterranean as if the climate crisis isn’t happening. This year’s heatand fire will force change

By Conversation Media Group, the on Jul 26, 2023 12:07 pm
Expect to see more trips taken during shoulder seasons, avoiding the increasingly intense July to August summer. And expect temperate countries to become more popular tourist destinations. 


Climate extremesmake NZ’s supply chains highly vulnerable – it’s time to rethink how we growand ship food

By Conversation Media Group, the on Jul 26, 2023 11:38 am
Over the decades, New Zealand has centralised its food system and increased the risk that a single regional event could reverberate nationally. But it’s not too late to diversify and increase resilience across our food supply system. 


Extreme heat isparticularly hard on older adults – an aging population and climate change areputting ever more people at risk

By Conversation Media Group, the on Jul 26, 2023 11:27 am
Researchers who study older adults’ health and climate change have found that two societal trends point to a potentially dire future: The population is getting older, and temperatures are rising. 


Gaza strip facesscorching heat amid severe power shortages

By The Energy Mix on Jul 26, 2023 11:16 am
A heatwave in the Gaza Strip with temperatures reaching 38°C has worsened power outages and sparked calls for protests from residents who lack electricity for cooling. 


Commercialbuilding codes lack strong wildfire-management provisions, indoor air qualitycontrols, says expert

By Globe and Mail, the on Jul 26, 2023 11:11 am
Amid a fire season that has seen a record number of blazes, wildfires and poor air quality are top-of-mind concerns for commercial property developers, industry insiders say. 


A disasteremergency is underway in Asia and the Pacific as risks outpace resilience,warns new UN study

By United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific on Jul 25, 2023 07:53 pm
The Asia-Pacific region has a narrow window to increase its resilience and protect its hard-won development gains from the socioeconomic impacts of climate change, according to the latest report by the United Nations ESCAP. 


Research led byHKBU constructs model to predict frequency of heat wave and air pollutionco-occurrence in China

By Hong Kong Baptist University on Jul 25, 2023 05:47 pm
A research led by HKBU has developed a statistical model which uses patterns of springtime warming in the western Pacific Ocean, western Indian Ocean and Ross Sea to predict the frequency of summertime co-occurrence of heat wave and air pollution in China 


Five ways inwhich heatwaves threaten child rights, from education to daily meals

By Save the Children - Australia on Jul 25, 2023 05:11 pm
As temperatures soar across the world, extreme heat is putting children’s health at risk, locking them out of education and making them increasingly anxious about the future, Save the Children said. 


What canearthquake ‘swarms’ tell us about seismicity in the West?

By University of Utah on Jul 25, 2023 04:54 pm
Most of the earthquakes rumbling under the West’s Great Basin come in surges, clustered together in time and place. Scientists call these seismic groups “swarms,” which are a distinct category from the numerous aftershocks following a big shake. 


El Niño 2023 canaggravate food, energy and finance crises

By United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific on Jul 25, 2023 04:31 pm
The last few weeks have seen large scale floodings in southwestern China and northwestern India including its capital, Delhi. The deluge in China and India is no exception to an emerging trend of recurrent monsoon anomalies.  


How citizenscould help government with emergency decisions in the next pandemic

By Conversation Media Group, the on Jul 25, 2023 04:16 pm
The UK’s COVID inquiry is putting pandemic policymaking under the microscope. One of the key questions is who should make decisions in an emergency, and how. 


Extreme heat inNorth America, Europe and China in July 2023 made much more likely by climatechange

By World Weather Attribution on Jul 25, 2023 04:08 pm
Following a record hot June, large areas of the US and Mexico, Southern Europe and China experienced extreme heat in July 2023, breaking many local high temperature records. 


As globaltemperatures rise, Central Asia needs to enhance disaster preparedness

By World Bank, the on Jul 25, 2023 03:09 pm
Each year, more than 3 million people in Central Asia are affected by storms, floods, landslides and earthquakes. As global temperatures rise over the next decades, glacier melt is expected to heighten the risk of floods, mudslides and more. 


Droughtresilience toolkit helps protect regional communities

By Flinders University on Jul 25, 2023 02:23 pm
El Nino conditions brewing in the Pacific Ocean could exacerbate the return of hot temperatures in regional Australia, but Flinders University experts have developed a drought resilience toolkit with strategies that can assist regional communities. 


New AI modeloutperforms traditional methods in predicting Central Pacific El Niño

By Chinese Academy of Sciences on Jul 25, 2023 02:09 pm
Researchers have developed an artificial intelligence (AI) model using deep learning algorithms that outperforms traditional dynamic models in predicting the development and pattern of El Niño events. 


Risk of fatalheart attack may double in heat wave & high fine particulate pollution days

By The American Heart Association on Jul 25, 2023 01:59 pm

Heat waves, cold snaps and high levels of fine particulate pollution could raise heart attack risk; however, the most dangerous combination is heat and fine particulate pollution, according to a new study published in Circulation.


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