
Tracking of sea level impact on Caspian Ramsar sites and potential restoration of the Gorgan Bay on the southeast Caspian coast

Tracking of sea level impact on Caspian Ramsar sites and potential restoration of the Gorgan Bay on the southeast Caspian coast

Deciphering the chronology of Tepe Sialk (South) “ziggurat”, North Central Iranian Plateau, through Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) datin

Deciphering the chronology of Tepe Sialk (South) “ziggurat”, North Central Iranian Plateau, through Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) datin

A new tsunami hazard assessment for eastern Makran subduction zone by considering splay faults and applying stochastic modeling

A new tsunami hazard assessment for eastern Makran subduction zone by considering splay faults and applying stochastic modeling



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